Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar at J-PARC

(J-PARC 素粒子原子核セミナー)

DATE: 2018. Jan. 30th. 13:30-15:00

PLACE: Tokai 1st Building Room 115

PandaX-II detector and results


Prof. Xiaopeng Zhou (Peking University)

CONTACT: Dr. Kazuya Aoki,


PandaX-II is one of the biggest Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiment located at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL), Sichuan province in southwest of China. From 2015 to now, PandaX-II have published 4 world-leading results in Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) and Axion search on Physical Review Letters.

In this seminar, I will concentrate on the introduction of detector construction and running status, trying to give audience some concept on dual-phase xenon time project chamber technology and PandaX-IIs history story.

And I will also show some new results from PandaX-II and upgrade plans of PandaX project.